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点击次数:1434    发布时间:2017-11-10
Good quality is all personnel must have the quality of bodyguards, if do not have these qualities, it is difficult to believe that the industry mix down, the following special insurance company introduced the several important points for everyone:

1, excellent ideological bodyguard is a special occupation, dangerous, and sometimes threaten your life. As a bodyguard, should remember their mission and responsibilities, but not for life insurance, run.


2, excellent physical quality. The company is different from general bodyguard occupation occupation, requirements for the physical quality is very high, the body can withstand all kinds of harsh environment test. ? including both soft ductile, ductile soft is the foundation, the most important.
3、超人的无畏气概。超人的无畏气概,指临危不惧,遇险不惊。大概每人都有这样的经验:第一次看到别人持刀打架,一定胆战心惊;第一次看到一具死尸,一定头皮发麻;第一次与他人格斗,一定心惊肉跳。 在危急时刻,人的生理由于外界紧急、强烈的强刺激,而在瞬间产生一些不良反应,只有拥有超人的无畏气概,临危不惧,险而不惊,才能最大限度地发挥保镖人员的体力、能力,才能有效地完成任务。
3, superhuman courage. Superhuman courage, the courage, do not panic distress. Probably everyone has this experience: the first time I see someone with a knife fight, must first see tremble with fear; a corpse, a scalp; the first fighting with others, some xinjingroutiao. ? in the critical moment, the physiological stimuli, due to strong emergency strong, caused some adverse reactions at the moment, only to have superhuman courage, courage, risk and not panic, in order to maximize the bodyguard personnel's physical ability to effectively complete the task.
Alert and sensitive response 
5, sophisticated experience. Sophisticated experience with body guards experiences, the surrounding information can fully understand the receiving analysis, then make the right judgment, and respond accordingly.
We are filled with enthusiasm and passion towards work and customers, we are willing to use the hard work and you create a better tomorrow!

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