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点击次数:2286    发布时间:2017-10-26

Now the escort service is special, is different from the ordinary human security work, the responsibility, the risks faced by the much larger than the latter, members of the corresponding qualities will also require higher. The main object of escort service is the basic financial institutions, escorted goods into cash and securities, the tool is bullets and professional truck, seemingly mighty behind, is filled with all sorts of risks, both external, but also from the inside because of, safeguard company Xiaobian for everyone summed up the following points.


One, the risk of human.
首先,押运员直接与现金打交道,每天都要面对各种各样的诱惑,加之队员的文化程度、综合素质参差不齐, 抵御诱惑的能力也有不同, 并且一些从事押运工作的人员其家庭条件并不是十分的富裕,押运员的工资福利待遇较其他行业偏低,如遇突发事件易造成家庭经济状况的窘境。或由于爱慕虚荣、盲目攀 比,造成经济上的拮据等。
First of all, yayunyuan dealing directly with cash, have to face all kinds of temptations every day, and the comprehensive quality education, members of the uneven, the ability to resist temptation are also different, and some engaged in escort work personnel of the family is not very rich, supercargo wages and benefits than other industries. And in case of emergencies caused by the economic situation of the family dilemma. Or because of vanity, blind comparisons, resulting in economic difficulties and so on.
Two, the risk of the subject matter of the escort.
押运标的物是押运服务存在的基础,押运标的物品是否安全,关系到企业的兴盛。由于押运标的物品价值高,一直以来就是不法分子抢夺的目标。二 是标的物品种类繁多、数目较大且归属不同,易造成多发少领、错发、遗漏、遗失等情况的出现。
The subject matter is the basis of escort escort service there, escort the subject goods safety, related to the rise of enterprises. The escort subject of high value items, has always been the target of criminals snatch. Two is the object of a wide variety, a large number and belonging to different, easy to create multiple, less collar, wrong hair, omission, loss and so on.
Three, bullet risk.
枪支弹药是保护押运标的物安全的重要工具,在遇到抢夺等突发情况时, 能起到很好的震慑和防御的作用。但枪 弹也是一把双刃剑,同样面临使用过当、走火等意外事件, 以及枪弹遗失、被盗等案件的发生。
Guns and ammunition is an important tool for the protection of security escort targets, in the face of robbery and other emergency situations, can play a very good defensive and deterrent role. But the bullet is also a double-edged sword, also facing the use of excessive, accidental fire accidents, as well as bullets lost, stolen and other cases.
Four, the risk of vehicles.
专业运钞车其独特的外形、醒目的标志,是为了在运输的过程中,尽量得到其他社会车辆和行人的理解而能优先 通行,安全、快速地到达目的地。然而这一举措却被少数驾驶员错误理解,开霸王车、特权车的思想严重,既产生了 安全隐患,也在群众中造成了不好的影响。
The unique appearance and eye-catching sign of the specialized cash transport vehicle are to get the priority and get to the destination safely and quickly in the course of transportation, as much as possible by understanding other social vehicles and pedestrians. However, this initiative has been a small number of drivers wrong understanding, open overlord car, privilege car serious thought, both the security risks, but also in the masses caused a bad impact.
We have been to quality first, customer first, as our service tenet, try our best to provide you with satisfactory service, we sincerely welcome you to visit the company, to purchase, I hope we have a good opportunity to work together to create a win-win situation!

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